
Our Chatham Club training staff loves putting together different workout routines for members to enjoy!

Happy and Healthy Heart

Happy and Healthy Heart With February being American Heart Month, let's talk about cardiovascular health and exercise – the dynamic duo that keeps your heart happy and healthy. A major step to heart health is physical activity. Physical activity is one of your best weapons for strengthening the heart muscle and protecting your arteries from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar that can cause a heart attack or stroke. It also helps [...]

By |2024-01-31T21:05:53-05:00January 31st, 2024|exercise, Sports Training, Workout Routines|0 Comments

Keep Your Fitness on Track This Holiday Season

Keep Your Fitness on Track This Holiday Season Are you fearing this year's holidays? The holiday season is synonymous with celebrations, special moments, and many, many delicious meals. As the holidays approach, it's difficult to resist all the temptations. However, it's vital to prioritize our fitness and health while indulging in the festivities. Staying active throughout the holiday season does not have to be impossible. Here are some suggestions to help you embrace the holiday [...]

By |2023-11-29T13:24:39-05:00November 29th, 2023|Fun Facts, How To, Workout Routines|0 Comments

How to Overcome Fitness Plateaus and Keep Making Progress

Let's be honest, we've all been there. You're putting in the sweat, the time, and the effort, but suddenly, it feels like you're stuck in quicksand, and those gains you were making seem to have vanished into thin air. Don't throw in the towel just yet. We're going to share tips, tricks, and advice on how to overcome those plateaus and keep the progress train moving. We'll explore workout strategies, nutrition advice, and the mental [...]

By |2023-10-30T12:31:02-04:00October 27th, 2023|exercise, Sports Training, Workout Routines|0 Comments

Maximize Your Workout: Unleashing the Power of Functional Training

Maximize Your Workout: Unleashing the Power of Functional Training Functional training has been gaining significant popularity in the fitness world and for a good reason. It goes beyond traditional exercise routines by focusing on movements that mimic real-life activities, improving your strength, flexibility, and balance in a way that directly translates to everyday functionality. Whether you're an athlete looking to enhance your performance or simply aiming to improve daily activities, functional training has something to [...]

Hydration: Why It’s So Important

Hydration: Why It's So Important Water plays a critical role in the human body as it helps regulate body temperature, cushions and protects vital organs and aids digestion. It is a key component of muscle tissue, making up 75% of it and about 10% of fatty tissue. Additionally, water functions at the cellular level to transport nutrients and eliminate waste. Dehydration can significantly impact your ability to work out effectively and safely. When you're dehydrated, [...]

Resolutions vs. Goals

Resolutions vs. Goals As tradition goes, millions of people set New Year's resolutions, with the two most popular resolutions being exercising more and living healthier. Despite our best intentions, many give up on them within one to six weeks. Setting a goal with a plan beats a resolution every day of the year. A resolution is just an intention; you need a goal with a plan. Goals are statements of commitment. Do you want to know the secret to achieve [...]

By |2022-12-30T13:23:38-05:00December 30th, 2022|exercise, How To, Workout Routines|0 Comments

People often ask: “What exactly is Pilates?”

People often ask: "What exactly is Pilates?"   Simply put, pilates focuses on the mind-body connection. While doing the various exercises, your mind and body should be constantly aware of your breathing. Pilates is a form of exercise that emphasizes strengthening the core while toning and shaping the body's muscles. Pilates is a mind-body discipline in which six principles create the foundation for effectively executing the exercises. They are as follows:  Concentration Connecting the mind and body [...]

Fit at 50+

Fit at 50+   We're getting older…so what? Age is just a number. It is your mindset that matters. If you want to improve your health over 50, there's never a better time to start than today. Creating new habits that enhance your health will help you stay active as you age. As we age, a natural part of the aging process called sarcopenia can lead to muscle weakness and physical frailty. However, numerous studies [...]

By |2022-11-30T08:49:50-05:00October 31st, 2022|Fun Facts, Sports Training, Workout Routines|0 Comments

Why is Strength Training Important for Weight Loss

While both cardiovascular and strength training aid in weight loss, strength training promotes lean muscle growth. Muscle tissue is highly metabolic, allowing the body to burn more calories than any other tissue. This is why strength training is so effective: it burns calories while losing fat. It also allows for the "after-burn" - Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) effect. EPOC is best stimulated by strength training because it focuses on intensity rather than duration. When [...]

By |2022-09-30T14:06:53-04:00September 30th, 2022|exercise, Workout Routines|0 Comments

Why it is Important to Have a Regular Exercise Schedule

Why it is Important to Have a Regular Exercise Schedule If you're looking to overhaul your fitness routine, making time for the gym has many health benefits. Incorporating gym time into your daily or weekly routine will improve your overall mental and physical well-being. The Gym Helps You Stay Motivated Taking exercise classes or working with a personal trainer holds you accountable since someone expects you to show up. Classes are a great [...]

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